Friday, January 1, 2010

BEGIN AGAIN in 2010!!

We are looking forward to the possibilites of a New Year and New Beginnings!! Our motto is "BEGIN AGAIN in 2010"!! I believe with all of my heart that 2010 will be a year of New Beginnings, Healing and Restoration!!

The number 10 is symbollic for Divine (and Perfect) Order! Isn't that encouraging? I am ready to Begin Again in 2010!! And to see some DIVINE ORDER in my life and in this world!!

Another year in our lives has come and gone. It had its highlights and low points, struggles and victories, rejoicings and regrets. Whatever your year held, it is no more. Now, we have the opportunity to BEGIN AGAIN in 2010!!

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17

One of our goals for the New Year is to focus on Scripture Memorization, I am very excited about this! I think this scripture will be our first to memorize!


  1. Amen! Heres to new beginnings!

  2. I just realized something, with the addition of Joel, we will be a family of 10 in 2010! Kewl!!

  3. That is cool Stephanie. I will be praying for your new beginnings. ;)
