I wanted to share what my husband has bought me for our 28th Wedding Anniversary. Pictured above is a Kromski Prelude Spinning Wheel (mine is mahogany). I'm awaiting its delivery with great anticipation! A new skill to be learned, enjoyed, and then taught and shared with my children. It is so important to me, not only that I know, but that my children do. I think this is part of the driving force behind my constant adventure in learning and why i enjoy homeschooling so much!
January has been eventful in many ways. I began teaching a new monthly Bible Study at my church called 'Strategies'. I started it after being encouraged to do so by a precious friend, Lillie who wanted to study the Bible in more depth. In October she was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer and this month, she went on to be with Jesus. When she had grown too weak to attend the studies, we began to think how we might could record them for her to watch. In addition, there were other friends with health issues and even some out of state family that wanted to participate. So....we bought a FLip xd. GREAT little camcorder!
Lillie never got to see one of the videos but, I'm continuing the project of posting them online and have set up a YouTube Channel for this purpose. It has been such a blessing to see how many other people are eager to participate and joining us from many states and even other countries. This month we've been looking at Nehemiah.
Our goals are to -
Identify the enemy
Recognize his ways
Develop a strategy.
Join us if you'd like, that would be wonderful.
Nice! Have you gotten it yet? I'm really enjoying the You Tube videos. Can't wait for more.